
Hello, my name is Michelle Labine, I am a Registered Counselling Therapist (RCT) with Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists (NSCCT).

I am the founder of ML Family Counselling Clinic, a group practice consisting of trained, mental health professionals, licensed with NSCCT. Each member of our team is specially trained in their area of clinical focus providing the most recent and evidence-based care to their clients. Our team members are engaged in the newest research and clinical interventions.

Alongside continued learning and clinical development, we fundamentally believe the relationship between the therapist and the client is key to the outcome. Several studies have found therapeutic rapport to be more critical in a client’s progress than any other therapeutic technique. This relationship consists of safety, respect, connection, and trust to create the space necessary for exploration, healing, and growth.

To begin to find those places of connection, I’ll take the opportunity here to introduce myself and provide a snapshot of who I am by sharing a little about my background, experience, training, and professional qualifications.

I started working in mental health in 1996, my background includes working with children with physical disabilities and their families, child protection services, social services, and adult education (training other professionals in the field). In 2010, my occupational interests expanded as I ventured into small business entrepreneurship, expanding this interest further 3 years later when I joined my partner in our family company. From these experiences I developed a strong business acumen, an interest in business leadership, and a desire to provide mentorship.

These days, the business part of me, is focused on building my group practice while providing steward leadership at ML Family Counselling Clinic. I also enjoy my small business coaching practice where I provide support to clinicians new to private practice.

As the founder of a registered charity in Nova Scotia called Couch of Hope, I have found a meaningful and purposeful way to give back in a way that aligns with my passion. Couch of Hope has two main objectives: 1) to provide free mental health counselling to Nova Scotians who do not have insurance and who cannot afford to pay out of pocket for services; and 2) to contribute to Nova Scotia’s pool of mental health professionals by providing clinical supervision and training to Counselling Therapist Interns in partnership with Yorkville University’s Master of Arts Counselling Psychology program and Acadia University’s Master of Education in Counselling program.

Teaching deeply fulfills me and grows me clinically, I carry a small caseload, as a Clinical Supervisor to Practicum Students, Registered Counselling Therapist Candidates with NSCCT, and Registered Psychotherapists Qualifying with CRPO. The field of mental health has remained a pillar interest of mine, it has also become the place where I have found alignment with all my career interests.

My approach is mostly influenced by Adlerian and Humanistic Theory and Narrative Therapy as a modality. I find this combination guides me in working collaboratively with my clients, supporting their self-examination, healing, growth, and creating richer relationships with self and others.

In our therapeutic relationship, you are met with unconditional positive regard, you valued as an individual, and received with immense compassion. In supporting you to live your best life, I listen deeply, I see you as the creator of your story, and as separate from the problems you experience. I work with you to uncover parts of you, tap into your strengths, access your internal resources, and step into your personal power. I am trained in multiple modalities, my approach is eclectic; I intentionally draw from various theoretical approaches and interventions to tailor our work specifically to meet your needs. 

In our work we may navigate past and present to understand significant events and key relationships, uncover patterns of conditioning, understand what is important to you,  explore areas that may benefit from more attention and healing, and to consider what is possible. 

I hold a Master of Arts degree in Counselling Psychology. I am a licensed Registered Psychotherapist with the regulatory body College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario. I am a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) registered with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. I am a Certified Sex Therapist with the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counsellors, and Therapists (AASECT). And I am a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). I hold liability insurance nationwide and work with clients remotely across Canada. More information about my qualifications, credentials, professional experience, and continued education are listed on the left of this page.

At its core, I believe psychotherapy is about getting to know yourself, healing parts, and considering changes that support alignment and continued growth.  

The field of counselling psychology is constantly evolving, I am committed to keeping up with the latest research through continued studying and training with leaders in the areas of my specialization. As I focus on my personal and professional development, I continue to see the benefits clinically, in my therapy room.

In closing, I’m glad you’ve found your way to my page, I look forward to connecting with you to explore possibilities!



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