Relationship Therapy

As humans, we long for connection – we want to be understood, cared for, heard, loved, and appreciated by our partners. We enter relationships, no matter how many or for how long, to receive friendship, admiration, or love. Let’s face it though – life happens. Things change we grow older, enter new chapters, or life goals change. Sometimes, we encounter hardships, like illness, deaths, or infidelity. Relationships aren’t static – they change and evolve with time, just as we do. With that, difficulties happen, and we forget the passion and love that brought us together in the first place.

Whatever the issue or how it started, we want to help you reconnect, repair your relationship wounds, and begin to move forward feeling more connected with your partner(s) and in your relationship. Our therapists work with people in all types of relationships including casual, coupleship, marriage, monogamous and ethical non-monogamous. 

Relationship therapy is a confidential, structured process that focuses on exploring and improving the relationship. Our trained therapists help each individual identify their relationship goals and resolve unhealthy or unproductive beliefs, communication, and behavior patterns.

Common goals in relationship therapy are improvement in communication, intimacy, repair, and conflict management.

Therapy can help! It is 100% possible to go from feeling hopeless in your relationship to feeling hopeful and connected.

  • Connection
  • Communication 
  • Conflict Management
  • Infidelity
  • Sex Therapy 
  • Monogamous and Consensual Non Monogamous 

Everyone is Welcome