

Our Philosophy of Supervision

Supervision is a special and important part of the practice of counselling therapy. Ideally, it ensures therapists are adhering to the highest ethical standards, using evidence-based treatments, receiving feedback that encourages self-awareness and self-reflection, and managing their own wellbeing, which is a key ingredient to a person's ability to support others.

We love supervising for many reasons!

We summarize what we believe about supervision below:

Supervision should be supportive.

Supervision should happen in a supportive environment. As a supervisor, we aim to establish a comfortable, private space for supervisees to explore experiences openly, knowing they will be understood and assisted.

Supervision should be challenging.

Learning takes place when we are challenged. Through case consultations, conversations, readings and training, supervision should stretch supervisees to master new skills and develop new knowledge and perspectives, and to become reflective about themselves in their therapy practice. 

Supervision works best when the relationship is a good fit.

Different people need different things at different times. The supervisory relationship is a professional one, but an intimate one at the same time. It is important the supervisor's knowledge and style are appropriate to the supervisee's current needs, and this should be evaluated regularly. It is usually healthy for supervisees to eventually outgrow their supervisor, and to evolve to seek a new relationship with someone with a different style or skill set.

Email us directly if you are interested in a supervisory consultation.


Professional Development 

We will complete a supervisory contract together and we will also require the following from you:  

  1. Copy of your with CV with contact information
  2. Copy of your License
  3. Liability Insurance


RCT Candidacy or RP Supervision

We will complete a supervisory contract together and we will also require the following from you:  

  1. Copy of your with CV with contact information
  2. RCT-C license with NSCCT or RP license with CRPO
  3. Liability Insurance
  4. Verification from NSCCT of approved supervisory relationship


RCT Candidacy Supervision Process Requirements:

Registered Counselling Therapist Candidates must complete a post-graduate period of counselling practice under the supervision of an approved RCT:

RP Qualifying Process Requirements here

RP Independent Practice Process Requirments:


$150 per 50 mins supervisory session



Everyone is Welcome